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History of the Vale do Guaporé Agricultural Family School
The Associação da Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé – AEFAVAG, of small farmers who work in the region’s Family Agriculture regime, created on 06/05/2004, is an entity that maintains EFA-VALE, in the locality - BR: 429; km: 65; line: 20; Km: 3.5, in the municipality of São Francisco do Guaporé – RO, created at the initiative of the category of farmers/family members of the municipalities: São Miguel do Guaporé, Seringueiras, São Francisco do Guaporé and Costa Marques, whose institution and organization are governed by by the School Statute and Regulation supported by the Brazilian Civil Code.
AEFAVAG (Association of the Vale do Guaporé Agricultural Family School) has as its general objective focused on rural education, developing an educational environment based on principles of responsibility, freedom, participation and cooperation aimed at sustainable rural development.
The Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé emerged from the need to create an institution that privileges speech and conversation together with writing. The joint work, the promotional action and the life in the family and rural community elevate the human being, in the construction of his own history.
The Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé aims to train young peasants, through alternating education and thus seeking educational development in the regional Vale do Guaporé, leading students to develop work with theory and practice. Aiming at an interaction and permanence of young people in the field, clarifying the importance of being a young farmer valuing the family "roots"; so that families seek knowledge of the local reality to develop practices on the properties, making the environment sustainable.
Teaching should start from the observations made by the young people and from the interest aroused in the stay and in the socio-professional environment during which research and studies are proposed so that there are no cuts and changes in rhythms that could compromise the young person's training.
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