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Teaching Instruments
It is a survey carried out in the family and/or community on a generating theme previously chosen by the students, parents and monitors/teachers. The organization of this takes place at the end of the school sessions where the students participate in the elaboration of the script, with the collaboration of the monitors/teachers for the systematization of the same.
It is a strategy of socialization of the Study Plan research, where there is a debate on the questioning of the answers and subsequent synthesis of the student and the group.
The placement in common takes place at each beginning of the school session, and later the synthesis carried out by the students and the responsible teacher/monitor, will be socialized in a pedagogical meeting with the team of teaching professionals, who, in the face of their problems and issues addressed, the themes will be subjects of school and family classes by teachers/monitors.
It is a "diary" of the student's life in the educational process at Escola Família Agrícola. It is an organic link between school, family and community. In it, the themes of each Study Plan, the research sheets, the personal synthesis text and the commonality, reports of Study Visits, lectures, internships, illustrations, maps, photos and others are recorded. The Caderno da Realidade is one of the most effective and concrete instruments to observe the evolutionary process of the students' learning, therefore, it is an excellent means of evaluation, being evaluated gradually at each school session.
Constant activities organized around each Study Plan theme. It aims to awaken the young person to compare the knowledge of each one and the family with the knowledge of others, knowledge related to the Study Plans. Study visits are directed by the school during the school session and or if necessary in the family session, being accompanied by the team of monitors/technical teachers.
Used to complement the current Study Plan theme. Professional people, entities from the environment are invited to promote lectures, courses and seminars with students at the School to give a broader view on the subject. Lectures and/or external intervention courses directed by the pedagogical team take place during evening hours and weekends if necessary.
Based on a topic studied at school and at home, the student is motivated to develop experimental practices at school or on the property where the family works. These activities constitute concrete means of proving hypotheses raised in the Study Plan, as well as seeking solutions to the problems raised from the Study Plan. At return activities when necessary are directed to be carried out in the family session with the family and/or community.
It is an instrument used to integrate the different spaces and time in the Agricultural Family School and in the Family. Duly planned and organized in a systematic way, aiming at:
Knowing the reality of the student and the environment;
Monitor the students' experiences, based on the Study Plan;
Make families aware of the role in the education of their children and co-authors of alternations.
The visits must take place 02 times each academic year, 01 in the 1st semester and 01 in the second semester, and all of them must be directed to the involvement of the student and family in the implementation of practices related to the technical course and agricultural development on the property.
It is a means of maintaining communication between the school and the family or vice versa, linking the two moments lived by the student, where the student, family, and their responsible tutor record daily activities, observations, evaluations qualitative and relative.
One of the principles on which the Pedagogy of Alternation is based is that the students acquire the ability to observe, question, develop and execute projects that enable personal development and the environment in which they live. Thus, the PPJ is a requirement for the completion of the course, and a means of professional insertion or generation of work and income, guaranteeing the permanence of the young person and their family in the countryside, with subsidies for their activities, coordinated and previously systematized through the training acquired. in the technical course.
It is a professional project that the student must develop throughout the course together with the family through possible development skills, based on research, internships, study visits, and curricular components, being guided by the monitors/teachers responsible for systematization of the same, and must be presented at the end of the 4th year, with a small demonstration of its implementation and feasibility.
The presentation of the same will be evaluated by the examining board composed of technical and pedagogical professionals from the school, and can be presented to the parents, families/community and managing group of the sponsor. The PPJ evaluation criteria are: Analysis of the project structure; Theoretical basis; Presentation methodologies and dynamics; Student's own analysis of the feasibility of project implementation; Analysis and physical and financial demonstration of the experimental phase of the project in the 4th year; Opinion through the PPJ presentation form if the student is Apt (Ap), equivalent to 7.0 (seven) is 10.0 (ten) or Not apt (Nap.) from 0.0 (zero) to 6.9 (six point nine) . In the case of the result Nap. the student will be considered Failed in the 4th Year, and he/she may retake the 4th year, improving competent skills in the elaboration, structuring and presentation of a new PPJ.
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