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The Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé seeks, in accordance with a specific pedagogy (Pedagogy of Alternation), to respond to a great challenge, that of technically qualifying the small worker in the field from a methodology that truly corresponds to the needs of the /a man/woman of the countryside. In this perspective, the practices developed by Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé are based on a vision that allows young people to "learn to learn". For this, it is necessary to count on the direct participation of the family in the process of formation and connection between theory and practice.
In this sense, it is clear that it is essential that actions seek to awaken in the student the values of developing the small property, seeking not only sustainability but also greater comfort and economic development. The educational practice of Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé is based on the principle that the learning of contents when related to the learning of life, work and social life, makes the subjects - students, different, inserting them in society, making them participatory and agents of social transformation.
Therefore, the Technical Course in Agriculture and Livestock Integrated to High School will allow the development of knowledge about social organization by developing citizenship. Thus, the young person will be able to act significantly in the social historical process to enable the appropriation of knowledge that is not only theoretical, but also practical. Faced with this transformational process, the need for an institution that responds to the new requirements and fulfills the role is evident, enabling people to act on reality.
So, as for the method, the Escola Família Agrícola Vale do Guaporé, adopts the Pedagogy of Alternation (PA) and the methodological and pedagogical instruments, namely: the semi-boarding system, study plans, placement in common, synthesis, tutoring , visit to families, study trip, alternation notebook, reality notebook, observation sheet, external interventions, mini-courses and lectures. This method allows greater participation of the family and community in the training process and comes to meet the needs of men/women in the countryside of Rondônia. Thus, the Pedagogy of Alternation allows the student to study and help the family, with greater involvement of the family in student life that will help them to develop technical experiences on the property.
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